Friday, January 7, 2011


First off HAPPY NEW YEAR:)

Yet another new year, with new expectations everywhere with predefined resolutions. Well here are 11 relevant resolutions that may help you to avoid dropping your 2011 ball :)

1. Network More.

In life no man is an island entire of itself. Everyone needs someone, we all need each other because it is people, flesh and blood men and women who make or break you. People are your primary business whether you are selling yourself or your products and services, people buy people. By networking therefore you increase your connectivity and sharing of ideas. Take the funnel for instance, the more you fill at the top the more you get at the end. In that line of thinking the more you network, the more connections you create and the more perspective you gain. Increase your flexibility, become more people oriented, simply network!

2.Learn something new everyday

Life is all about progression and better yet while you are busy hanging on to what you already know, discoveries are still being made. Knowledge is an evolving concept and as we all know, evolution doesn't come equipped with a stop or pause button. Keep your eyes open, your ears on the ground and your mind learning.

3.Review every so often your ambitions.

This will help you bring them back into perspective over the time. Don’t just make sales pitches about how great you want to be, work hard, talk less and learn to be and do what you want to be. Only you can push yourself into your own achievement range.

4.Invest In Me Time

The pivot point between your career life and your personal social life is ‘Me Time’. This is when you rejuvenate yourself from within, creating a balance between the thoughts in your mind, the emotions in your heart and the desires in your soul. Being in-sync with the 3 basic elements that make up the one thing you are perfect at doing, that is being you. The more stable you are physically, mentally,emotionally and spiritually, the more you can pursue the you that you want to be.

5.Learn to embrace the gift called Present.

Every new day should never find you in your yesterday's skin. Shed it off! You weren't put on this earth to be stuck in a limbo of your past, if you were you'd probably still be breastfeeding from your mother considering that was one of the most painful habits to let go of as a toddler! Every new day should present a new you if not, you are just putting yourself in quick sand of disaster. A poet, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow once wrote, “All are architects of fate living in these walls of time.All are architects of look not mournfully into the past. It comes not back again"

6. Live more.

James Dean (February 8, 1931 – September 30, 1955), for those with calculus disabilities he lived for exactly 24 years, probably would be the SI unit of Living Life. 24 YEARS! You are probably wondering why I'm making a big fuss out of his age yet 'its nothing but a number'. Well James Dean, if i was to summarize to you his biography,was an Actor in big time movies including East of Eden, Rebel Without a Cause and Giant Dream and also had a racing career. In both careers he was excellent!In acting he was the first actor to receive a posthumous Academy Award nomination for Best Actor and remains the only actor to have had two posthumous acting nominations...further more in 1999 (4 decades after his death), and as a race car driver, he scooped several awards.His personal life...well lets just say he was quite a Casanova with every gossip column in the daily journals having some spicy stuff about what he was up to. He, all in all, was seen as a legend and had an iconic status in his society. He was simply living his life and he once said "Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today." Right now in his grave you wouldn't doubt his corpse has a smile on the face :)

7. Plan your work and work your plan

It is the basics of any battle..which we are using it as metaphor for any task. Sun Tzu was the author of one of the worlds most translated reading...i mean there like thousands of translations as his book, The Art Of War, wasn't straight to the point. But one of the most simple basics he taught in his course on war literature is when he said; When going to battle, its all about knowing yourself and your surrounding. When you know:
0% of yourself + 0% of your surrounding = 0% wins and 100% defeats
50% of yourself + 50% of your surrounding= 50% wins and 50% defeats
100% of yourself + 100% of your surrounding=100% wins and 0% defeats
Take charge, you are the commander in chief of your own battles!

8. Help Others

Helping others brings good feelings to the giver and the receiver of the good deeds. Using your special gifts to help others can be a gift to yourself as you enjoy a self esteem boost for making others’ lives better, and make the world a better place :)

9.Become more cost-effective and save money

No matter the monetary value you make, you have to think of the future whether you have 10 zeros or one zero to your name, a shilling is a value. Saving has always been one of those things everyone says they will do. It is a present-future-ongoing-THOUGHT...very few people tend to actualize those thoughts. Well  there are many proposed constitutions of how to manage your finances according to financial gurus but it all trickles down to two SMART principles: Keep your spending in check and get the most for your money. A shilling today, a fortune tomorrow.

10. Buy and most importantly READ books.

For entertainment, inspiration, education, to pass time...whatever your reason read a book that is worth your time at least once in a while. This is because they are known to be beneficiary to humans for one sole expand our sense of what is possible, that is, expand your creativity.

11.Get rid of what you don't need.

What worked for you before but is not working for you right now will never work for you then. Try get rid of all what is not of use to you now. For most people it is hard to do so because of the 'What If' demon that is subconscious in us. But all that these what if's do to you is make you have a cluttered way of living. Learn to sit down, sort what you need and don't need, what you don't, let loose of your grip on them and let them go looking forward to better things that will be more useful.

365 days...525,600 minutes...Time is money...

Here's to a great blessed year ahead.

Cheers (^^,)

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